Documenting Life on our small holding. Follow the adventures with our animals from birth through to meat production curing of hams, creating bacon, etc, experimenting with producing as much as we can from our little farm. Experience real quality of life. All the ups and downs including Planning permission wars....

Just an everyday walk with the kids!!

Sunday, 4 July 2010

New found pressure!!! lol

Well I never!!!
 People like my blog, i've reduced some to tears even! I'm getting phone calls from people who love it so heres the pressure, I need to blog more regularily!
So another quick catch up.... Its all action stations here as on the 6th July there is a hearing in our local village hall at Llwydiarth 10 am the council want to stop us and get us off our land, saying we cant be self sufficient here and that its not viable, they have put stupid things in there report saying that our land is not even able to sustain a single blade of grass, that we cant be viable here and can sustain any animal life on our hostile holding, you would think that they were refering to the moon not our little paradise. So hence not hearing from me lately, but now I have followers I have a responsibility! So we of late have... built stone walls, created a field of lovely lush grass using traditional pasture grass seed from Powys leys, What a success 14days and it was up and green 4 weeks on we have cut it 3 times with our lawn mower and today we have put our breeding trios of Buff  Orpingtons, Blacks, Lavenders, Light sussex, etc on it in there new breeding cages.... 
We have hand Picked tons of stone off the land, but the pigs really have done an amaizing job of soil conditioing. We have also finished reinstating all the nusery bed of flowers, and edged all the beds and fields with little stone walls. Today we have been busy in the piggy matenity ward as Babe our Belgium blue sow has dropped and has bagged up.. (laymans turned Too fat to move, belly dragging the floor and uncomfortably large bussoms..poor girl) Our large whit sow doesnt look much behind her either so we have given them tons of fresh straw and left them to it, Babe earlier this year was lent out to a friend to have piglets whilst we were away. Sadly she ate and killed most of them, I believe it was because she wasnt just left to it, the lady said she was a dangerous pig and should be turned into sausages, mmm well I hope she proves her wrong soon.. She is fussing me and making lovely piggy noises and wont leave my side when I go in to bed her down so she doesnt seem to be dangerous. I do admit she is jealous though, once I went in with a cat on my shoulders and fussed the cat when i should have been loving Babe .. she didnt like that and bit the back of my leg in a threatening ish way... so maybe when in a jealous rage and when suffering from PMT she is dangerous but how many women go like that once a month .. ?? come on hands up!!! I know i turn into a killer... I only ever want a divorce once a month, never more than that!!

So i better get on with my efforts to prove the council wrong, we can sustain life and our own too.. we have now got a veg garden growing grapes, maize, peas beans, strwberries etc, so hopefully they might look a bit daft but it could always go wrong and we will be homeless and look stupid. I cant see us winning but our planning consultant, Les Stephan Associates of Shrewsbury, have decided to be very charitable and come and represent us for nothing, Note to self better remeber them when killing out the Dexter, lol.... So we have decided what we are doing, all this tidying and fixing is for us not the council, if it makes them happy all well and good, but i have given up worrying aboutit, I was homeless for 2 yrs before with 3 kids and we were fine something will come up, right i'm off it windy rainy and cold but lots of jobs to do... enjoy!!

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