Documenting Life on our small holding. Follow the adventures with our animals from birth through to meat production curing of hams, creating bacon, etc, experimenting with producing as much as we can from our little farm. Experience real quality of life. All the ups and downs including Planning permission wars....

Just an everyday walk with the kids!!

Friday, 7 January 2011

Snows back....

Am I the only one who loves seeing that white stuff arrive???
Life on the farm is so much easier, cleaner, faster.... the pigs bedding stays cleaner, there moods are better they jump and play so much... theres far less mud, and us having no water is not a problem, we take our shovels outside and buckets, if we want a bath we half fill the bath with snow then boil up saucepans full of snow or hand picked iciccles, boiling them up on my rayburn, its so clean for the dog, she pops out and brings in no mud, its just perfect......
Just imagine if snow was a murky colour, everything would be so dark, how lucky we are that it bright, sparkly and gleaming, a friend says " Every bodys farm looks the same in snow," not oh thats a dirty farm, and so and so's is so clean, all are bright and beautiful, the crunch under foot, the play in the air.... bring it on,

We have a 4x4, six months of food in store, plenty of loo rolls, and no visitors as they cant get up the hill, no stress about what the postys bringing you, as he cant, I control bad news days, as I go get the post when feeling brave enough!!! ..

Well I say no visitors, lol I couldnt believe it when we climbed up our hill under 2 foot of snow the other week in our trusty landrover discovery, to fing the post hadnt been ... yeah suprise ... not. but the Jehovahs Witnesses had, we had a copy of there Watch tower and Awake, which I read and found very interesting...(I used to be a J.w as a kid and always found it a huge chore to read the mags...)
I'm still not sure I want to go back but see no harm in such a peacable, loving people ... I dont like the outside world and feel being snowed in is my security blanket and protection from it....

The Dexter has landed!!

Had a call from the abotoir, I need to go pick up her, at a cost of £255 for butchery, killing and BSE testing, I feel a little expensive and shall be shopping around next time...

So tomorrow I will be bringing the bounty home...

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