Documenting Life on our small holding. Follow the adventures with our animals from birth through to meat production curing of hams, creating bacon, etc, experimenting with producing as much as we can from our little farm. Experience real quality of life. All the ups and downs including Planning permission wars....

Just an everyday walk with the kids!!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Good days work!!!lol.....

Right what have been up to??? Mmm not enough if I'm Joe decided he was well enough to go outside to work, well after I gave him the idea, "get on with it Joe!" said I... 
note to self be more subtle next time.. then cant be blamed for consiquenses..
He went straight out dived into the digger and sank. I stayed in the caravan teaching the kids, and cooking up a feast, cleaning etc. you know just girly multi so after a few hours of listening to Joe's digger making very promissing digging sounds I went to see how it was all going... Big mistake... Basically he 'd got in the digger drove over to start work on our blocked drain and promptly got stuck every time he tried to pull out, move, push pull he ended up deeper and further stuck till half the digger was under the mud...oops... 
"its all your fault" said he.. oops .... I wasnt very helpfull as I replied with " Why did you go in that deep mud why didnt you go over there?!" not helpful  hours later both of us changed colour and yet again digging out the digger, an all too common experience....broken backs, shattered and finished I said we should give it one more go when Joe was ready to give up, eventually we some how got her out of the bog that had nearly eaten them alive, I must add here that this the 3rd or 4th time we have got stuck in this particular boggy bit... once with our huge DROTT machine a huge bulldozer on tracks that i was very proud to be able to drive, I said that DROTT stood for (Drag rubish over to there!!!!) she ended up on her side, she actually nearly lost . Then, I nearly burried the hire machine alive. Williams Plant hire of Welshpools, gorgeous 3 1/2 ton hymac thingy.. then Joe in our poor old much loved Massey ferguson 50B digger. Oh dear another lost day and suprise suprise a much bigger mess than when Joe started what a good days work..

Pigs well they all happy in there new homes, the new boar has settled and is no longer beating up his new Glousceter old spot wife.. dogs happy in the snow we have about 5 inches again.. chicken is laying... fixed up our incubator that Joe found in a skip, set some eggs in it, done a deal to get 9 hybrid laying hens, 1 Barnwelder cockeral and 8 eggs for the incubator for £20  good deal I think.. hope they hatch and hope there isn't a good reason for the incubator being skipped but so far so good its keeping up its temp nicely. 

Andre went out taking pics of the cats today and found my prize Bengal  champion stud tom sitting in the hen house on the eggs... mmm I think he's a little confused....Shell shocked!!! 
He could even be suffering from "Egg-sor-sesory confusion"

lol then after that our Rotty Sasha who is deeply in season and wanting a dog, or should I say should be wanting a dog was trying to persuade our young boar to sort her out.... she seems confused too!!! 
Could be an interesting hybrid... well she did foster one of our orphened piglets before maybe its all my fault... Look on daily mail online Sasha and the fostered piglet Apple sauce!"

What else???? mmmm nothing really should be out there getting loads of work done planting out trees fencing tidying up but theres too much snow on the ground..

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Mmm lots to catch up with... 2 nights ago I decided to go to my moms house for the night with Lily. Thought it was about time I slept in a full size bed (ours is a Caravan SMALL double.) so small that if Joe lies on his back half of me is out of bed hanging over the side... I also took some washing to do as all our rain water was frozen solid. We aso fancied a longer shower than our watering can 2 min blast. So I drove Adrians car to town stayed over in a proper house and experience a few of lifes little luxuries.. Hot water, even water that comes out of tap is very novel, flushing toilet, fully plumbed in washine machine. and central heating...mmmm thoughts after. 

Well my caravan is warmer, I was froze to death, sleeping on a proper bed was nice but needed duvet, sleeping bag and a dressing gown on to feel warm, well I still wasnt warm the house was freezing. 

You know doing washing my way doesnt actually feel like a chore you feel proud and well that you've accomplished something. Its actually quicker too as moms washing machine takes 2 and a half hours for each load and I did 4 loads.. The shower was lovely and the pampering with moms creams and potions was good too. Will have to treat mom to some

Next morning we got up and went round the charity shops, did a bit of banking, then waited for Jim to pick us up for this was the day to bring home pigs...

Oh forgot to mention that Sugar daddy Jim rang me and said to treat myself to a hair do and he would pay...What a nice treat I no longer look like I 'dbeen pulled through a hedge backwards...  I'm a proud owner of a bob hair style.
We firstly went to Pant by Oswestry to pick up our freegle pigs... What a gorgeous Glos old spot she is the most lovely attitude and very laid back. She had no name so whien I looked at her she spoke to me and said I'm Mabel so Mabel she is...then we drove all the way up past Chester to pick up a Large White pair, boar and sow, we were given them too. As we arrived to pick them up they both jumped up with arm pits on the door to say." And about time too .. where have you been mom said you were coming hours ago" Told you  I'm a pig honest they do

We duly drove them home, and settled them in temporarily. Well Jim got out at Guilsfield at his farm and told me to take his Nissan 4x4 home with his stock trailer, he didnt need it till monday. 

What a beast its nearly new and full of power well there was about 3/4 of a ton of pig and 1 ton of trailer and it was still too powerful for me. 

Piggin Paradise..

Joe is still quite poorly he has a serious skin infection is his one arm and its swelled to twice its size with a red mark growing or even glowing.. its gone from his wrist up to the top of his arm. Firstly I had to pop him to the docs, over night we had a good 6 inch of snow.. good job we had Jims 4x4. Docs says his arm is really nasty and we have to watch him as he could need to end up in hospital with it. Hes got antibiotics, will see how long it takes for them to work there magic.

So on gettiing home he took his pills and retired to bed. So that just left me with our two porkers to prize from Babe our adult Pietrain sow, then persuade them to follow us and get into there own electric fenced of area. After that I had to load the one and only Gay boy, pig out of his nest and into his trailer so I could muck out the barn and get it ready for the three new arrivals, electric fence off a large run for them too. Nothing to

Well this is how it went. Porkers seperation, fine piece of cake. Babe never noticed. Move to there new area not on your nelly!! 30mins later much chasing about and hurdle building eventually they got there. Right I decided more prep need to move Gay boy. So reversed up the trailer to his entance and went over the top hurdles blockade everything nothing could go wrong... Ha in my dreams.. it was all going to plan he was just tootleing up the ramp when Sheba decided to say hello...arrgggh. he panicked, shot through my ever so well made blockade, 2 hours of chasing and cursing, near collapse state that's me not him.. 

Joe heard the comotion, got up from his sick bed and basically, another hour of wrestling eventually got him in, Joe collapsed in a heap gasping for breath, I thought he was having a heart attack. Any how he recovered. We then mucked out with the digger excellent system believe me. Made a luxury deep straw bed, double checked the electric fence and drove in the three newcomers, put there food down in along line and settled back. 

To my horror the boar now called Henry picked her up with his tusks ripping her throat and her sholders held her up in the air and then tossed her I coulndt believe it. She ran off to sulk and nurse her wounds and I vowed not to go in with him on my own for a while.. Joe popped back to look in on them later to find him happily serving her and she was watching her P's and Q's obviously getting on somewhat better.
.........Must mark the date three monthe three weeks and three days.
Any how am shatteed now, got mud all over my new hair cut, wet through all over and every bit of me aches, so have gone to bed extra early, it may be a small sized double but its lovely and warm, with no traffic passing every few mins. I feel safe and secure so maybe Im just not cut out to be normal and am destined to be a caravan dweller for ever..night night..

Saturday, 13 February 2010

A very cold day!

Well I got up with good intentions to plant trees.... but it just didn't happen. I ended up clearing out the portacabin, checking shelves and the freezer I think we still got a good months worth of supplys, good thing really as cold is coming back maybe we will end up with snow. At least one good thing about these freezing temperatures, the boggy land is freezing solid so should be able to drive on it with the digger and not have to call for Jim to pull us out with his 4x4 tractor again.
Joe got froze through to the bone. He spent the day stripping the engine of the Kia seddona further. He found that we need 2 bearings on some pullys and 2 complete. They broke when he tried to extract them. Guy, Amandas husband (my friends) came over to borrow a cage for a puppy nest for tonight. They went to an animal sactuary and got a collie pup. Oh well not every day can be full of adventures or confrontations... will see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Trip out to town.

Thats about it today Joe got up early to feed all the animals, I spent the morning on the phone trying to sort out insurance for our new car, then we went to Shrewsbury to buy the parts for our Kia Sedona that we had bought it off ebay for £450 with half the engine in the boot and the other in the front, Jim helped us pull it up the hill and said hed never seen a car with an engine in both ends  We managed to get trade discount for the head gasket, cam belt and some special stretch bolts, oh and a tiny collet that sprang off into the mud when we stripped down the head. That all came to £240 so we should have a people carrier for under £800 by the time Joe puts it back together. I hope he doesn't find any other problems lurking.. time will tell.

On the way home we filled up a boot full of water bottles, so much that the car was nearly dragging the floor. At least we dont have water rates to pay. Glad to be home the more I spend time away from our little home the more I miss it. Much better up here in our own little world.

All nine of the Bengal cats were very happy to see us they are so much fun.

Mom still enjoying Egypt, and Adrian our neighbour is hopefully home tomorrow which should bring an end to our donkey baby sitting, one of them is heavily pregnant. So far she still in one piece.

Tomorrows job will be planting trees shrubs and fruit bushes, will let you know how it goes...

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Bit of a nothing day....

Bit of a boring day spent tidying and during that process, finding paperwork out  that needs dealing with.  I really need to get on top of my DEFRA farm books. Everytime we move an animal or bring one in, be it alive, dead or going to slaughter it all needs documenting and then a copy of that paperwork has to go into DEFRA. I believe if your a proper farmer and get caught being silly, trying to pull the wool over there eyes you can actually be fined thousands.,(which is what happened to a local farmer he was fined £6000) On the last DEFRA inspection I had a few errors in paper work but the two young ladys that visited  were lovely and helpful  but  never the less it still was nerve racking. I believe they visit yearly.

Well I might as well tell you a little bit about our unusual life style, brace 

We bought a static caravan in 2008 for £500 delivered. It arrived the day before Christmas eve. We had a lovely family time roasting one of our ducks with all the trimmings. 

We have no running water on site and have to carry in every drop. Which is not a big deal i know many people who's water either freezes up in winter or there wells run dry in sommer.. so no big deadl they all cope with it in there civilised life.
I harvest rain water everywhere that I can. We have a watering can for a shower, one saucepan of boiling water topped up with rain water. I have been known during summer storms to stand under the pouring water that comes of the roof of the caravan starkers and have an invigorating cold shower.... Ducking everytime a van went past on the road. Cars were fine as the hedge covers them but vans are taller. One lad delivering something last year had a  bit of a shock...
Washing machine????
For a long time I used an old caravan travel washing machine which was basically a glorified bucket with a turning mechanism, this was great, but time consuming and a family of 5, generates a lot of washing! So one day last year I had a brain wave, my automatic washing mashine was stood outside which I started to use for spinning out the hand washed clothes then,  realised i could actually use it to rinse, I carefully, with my beloved watering can,  fed  water into the draw. I found that it only starts to work when its full enough so you cant harm it.(Well it only cost £40 from the newspaper so its not like i paid hundreds for it.) Then  thought as that had worked so well why not try a coloured wash, it worked!! Wow technology. You cant believe how much this transformed my life, I felt so proud of my self. Lateral thinking. I've now found after months of doing this that the best way to do it, is sort the washing into piles of dirtyness ' firstly  washing the cleanest, spin it then remove it, next  put in the next dirty, and so on I save all the water that comes out the other end and reuse on every load. After that I start with the rinses in a similar way until all the washing comes clean and it does, its spotless,  the water is never thrown out, next we use all the dirty water to wash down the decking outside the caravan, well I say decking its actually the bottom of a lorrys back I think its oak its very sturdy and stops the mud. Then clean down all the patio, this came from Shrewsbury freegle a couple of hundred slabs, it took a good days hard work. I made sure that it had good foundation of shaie then laid it, the patio juts up to a portacabin this came from a friend, he runs a skip business and thought of us.

Our little shop!! (The portacabin.)

This is where we keep all our foods we call it our little shop, when we go shopping I do three months worth at a time. I laugh to my self and think the great unwashed are coming down from the hills... picturing up the old American ranchers coming down to the towns to get in there provisions. 
I buy 25 kilos of sugar in a sack, 10 kilos of rice, sacks of potatoes and flour, it has shop shelving inside and there's where we store all the other things like tins, bottles, soft drinks and all the soaps etc that a family would ever need. The huge freezer is sited here too. Inside we have a whole Dexter beef  steer,  a pigs worth of ham, gammon, bacon, another of sausage and yet another of pork.
On top of all that I buy up whatever is reduced in the super markets. So I will clear the shelves of whatever is a good deal, its amaizing what freezes, 20 bottles of milk, packs of butter, cheese, all sorts. I also have a back up freezer, a gorgeous American side by side fridge freezer. We always wanted one but could never afford one, then a friend needed some help for a few days moving house and gave it to us for our troubles, its as good as new. 

We have a motto all comes to us who wait,
it's amaizing what you find in the skips, rubbish bins and in charity shops, I wont let my self buy new I just store up what I want and then find it... oh I do draw the line at second hand childrens shoes also come from Clarks. 

Its a good lifestyle, it only gets me down when others judge, or say I dont know how you manage.. We did try out living normally for a while in a council house and amaizingly lasted 1 year. Everyone thought we were mad leaving there but my mental health couldn't cope with it. The council, I think were very happy when we left as we constantly got into trouble, having chickens in the back garden, poorly piglets in the utility room  and incubators. Carrying in home killed whole pigs in from the car under the cover of darkness. The neighbours would have gone 
So we ended up back on our land, living in a backwards old time sort of a way. aqs much as we were, it saves you a fortune, less impulse buys, crisps, biscuits, cho'colates, good for your figure I've lost nearly a stone now. Even better it's good for your carbon footprint. Saving on fuel, got to be good. 

E Numbers...

As I said before my children are allergic to all bad additives so we have chosen not to consume any type of pre made food, i.e. pizzas, bread, ready meals etc. With our  bread machine, which is my best friend and a Kenwood chef I make everything from scratch, it's not that time consuming really and tastes a million times better. Lots of people think, only I could cope with this life style  Jim  (my adopted suger daddy) say "you put up with a lot" he also says (he doesnt know of any other women that would put up with it."  Jim 's a great friend to us all in his late 60's and a normal farmer with 100 odd acres and provided well for his family, he seems to think its all Joes fault we live like we do and that I'm being dragged into this lifestyle. That couldnt' be further from the truth I'm really happy and yes I do moan some times but i've chosen to live like this so thats that!

Jim the sugar Daddy!  lol

I met Jim at Welshpool market looking for some one to supply us with hay, he was the first person I bumped into and turned out to be a hay merchant, we developed a great friendship, his wife ran off and left him 2 years ago. (He's sure to have worked too much he thinks nothing of working all night muck Any how I took him under my wing, cooking extra dishes and pudding freezing them and giving him insruction what to do with them. We reagularly go out together, he borrows me he laughingly says. He says that going threw the divorce without me would have been hard. The worries of loosing half his farm and the lonelyness. He's a very generous man spending a fortune on the kids and us, last year he bough  me a lovely digital camera. This year hes taking me off to spend £100 at least he said.. I couldn't think what I  would need to spend that much on. then Ive decided to have a young Dexter calf, were going to collect her soon. She will be our house cow. All the kids love him he reagulary visits us we have a huge family feast, which always goes down well and he brings us free hay, he never takes money off us. Every small holder should have a The children see him as a grand pa and he's happy to be there for them. Andre regularly goes to his farm helping him with the sheep and both of them get to drive his brand new tractor and quad. He enjoys teaching them his craft.

 Home butchery..

I kill and butcher most of the livestock for our food and it becomes a family event, the children can draw anotomically correct drawing of the insides of the animals, they appreciate and respect the animals and the value of there life that we have chosen to take from them. 
Lots judge me and say that this is wrong but they are happy with it and have never been upset by any of the home killing processes that go on here, 

We use a humane killer that releases a captive bolt, they are humanely and instantly dispatched.We all muck in helping scrape off the pigs bristles or skin the sheep whatever the animal , even little Lily. Judge me if you want but this is nothing different to what our grand parents or great grandparents did. 

In Spain the other year I witnessed something similar and in Hungary it's still a family day and feast. Its just us over here that have moved in to the different lifestyle. 

We as a family choose to be responsible for the meat we eat we know exactly what its been fed on, any medication it may have needed or had, how old it was before we ate it, which breed, etc, it's a stress free process and they never know what is coming. I feel we are responsible and not condoning the awful life and stresses that commercial meats sometimes go through in order to provide the consumer with cheap poor quality "alledged" meat products. We eat like kings so there!!!!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Swiss Chalet (Pig Sty!) Completed!!!!!

Today  we finished our piggys new home. 

Now it is a little imperfect, we can all see that, but it cost nothing other than time. So I rate this a success.. Before we moved them in, we baby proofed the enclosure. Now we didnt go as far as baby monitors and stair gates... but we did sure up the electric fence making it tought so as no one could get little trotters stuck in any loops and then be unable to escape the shock.. Threw out some rocks that would have made for a very uncomfy night sleep. Then filled up there bedding with good quality clean straw. Oh and of course double check for any missing tools, well nearly all our tools are missing due to over active kids and one big one (Joe) but none are missing in there new enclosure...We had a debate on who was going to test the strenghth of the electric fence but whilst in mid discussion Sheba our G.S.Dog was a little too inquisitive and just touched it with the side of her nose... what a scream, i've never seen her move so quickly, poor thing I dont think she'll make that mistake again.

It was fun moving the pigs we considered a few options..

  a) Risk getting eaten by Mini pig by going into  her nest to collect all five babies - put them in the dog cage and some how carry them over to the new quarters. (They are heavy little critters!) The thinking behind this was that Mini pig would hear them and follow there calls to her new home.. We decided cosiderable stress could be brought on this way and discounted it. Oh also we could have got severly hurt if she didnt want us to do it.

b)Let them all free and hopefully they wouldnt get too distracted by all the dangerous things all over our site and keep close to mom while she followed a bucket of food. 

Mmm well we hadnt finished filling in some very deep drains so that could have been disasterous.

 c)Which is what we finially went with .. We opened the door to her bedroom showed her the bucket of food, whilst she was distracted we scooped up one piglet closing the others in and carried it in front of her whilst I hearded her from behind, she was an angel, walked perfectly all the way from one end of the farm to the other. We tipped out her food and then quickly carried the remainder one by one to her.
We discovered that if you hold them loosley and soothe them, the usual screams (Ear piercing!!) that normally ensue didnt happen..

So what to you think of this place then...Shall we stay???

There are 2 girls (gilts) & 3 boys (boars).

Pig in boots!!!! 
This is to show you the size of them at 1 day old, but dont be thinking they stay this small, they grow and grow and well just grow.
Mini pig the mom was one such cute little piglet that some one took on, in there house she was duely litter trained slept in the house and was spotless, but as she grew problems started, she loves rubbung and itching as do all pigs, its ecstacy to them, as she rubbed on all the furniture in her old moms house she used to tip it over move it eventually spoiling it.

In her desperation for a more normal piggy life she jumped out of a 2nd floor window amaizingly didnt get hurt but then gave Aberyswyth Police the slip for 3 weeks eventually.

She ended up at a rescue centre who conacted us and asked us to give her a proper pigs life.
She seems happy enough and is a very gentle 160 kilo pig at about 3 foot high.. Kune Kune's come from New Zealand and there name translates as short fat and round I believe. (They got that right!) using them for meat as they fatten at an incredible rate, which we can see from our little hybrids. 

We crossed her onto a Pietrain boar, these are the Arny of the pig world they are double muscled, same as the Belgium blue cattle. They are also known as Belgium blue pigs.

We felt the two extremes one being fat and short the other long, carrying no fat just a thin skin and masses of muscle should in theory produce an excellent small holders hybrid porker. Being hybrid they should have the vigor and extra boost of size.

Well I  can definatley recomend the cross as they are pure muscle, if only I understood more about genetics I would endevour to create the ultimate small holders pig, as they dont eat very much at all. and need mini pig sized housing.
But i have no idea how you would stabalise the type and then breed true to type.. oo thats all getting a little heavy is'nt it...? Any one that knows more please let me know...

Thats it folks for tonight I hope you like the pics and info....
come back tomorrow....

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

"Pig in mud!" Self-sufficiency.: Well this is DAY 1 of the pig in mud blog.

"Pig in mud!" Self-sufficiency.: Well this is DAY 1 of the pig in mud blog.

Swiss Chalet style Maternity suite!! (Pig Sty!)

Today i had hoped to be able to put a lovely picture of our finished Mini Pig house ... or should i say Swiss Chalet style Maternity suite on here. Well we got a bit carried away, it is built completely from recycled materials even the nails, we've got it bad ... but they do say Reduce (well that could be the pigs size!) Re-use (enough said.) Recycle (well thats easy the materials.) You can judge for yourselves. Will post the photo soon. 

We've decided its such a good design with the over hang at the front we shall try producing some for sale. It looks cute and i havent seen any out there this shape, selling point being made for your pigs from people with pigs... mm something to mull over.

Right what else. Andre tried to shatter Lily for me, he took her on a good 4 mile walk, came back saying that she STILL wasnt tired, he wasn't either but they had a great adventure they went off in the forest with Sasha our Rotty for protection.  
Sheba our German shepherd dog stayed home to gaurd us, she only 1year old and busyied herself with getting completely tangled in my Maturnity suite electric fencing, she also rather fancied the look of the Challet and wanted to move in.

Oh i did a deal today. Chris my adopted mom, (she's a friend really but mothers me,and i love her to bits!) text me to say a pair of Glouster old spots were being given away on freegle. So i emailed him, he duly rang me, saying that i was the only one that sounded like I knew pigs. He had one lady mail him enquiring if these full size breeding pair would be happy to live with there horse in his stable, well the mind boggles threee in a stable mmm... well we'll leave that thought there. 
So i rang him back today and asked if he would like one of my porkers for his freezer, maybe needs 1 to 3 months more fattening dependant on the finished size required, you may ask.. why?

Well i bought this one in with his sibblings to fatten for the freezer, he was the runt that the mom rejected so his human parents, a lovely gay couple had took him into there bed... yes he slept with them!! Feeding him with lambs milk replacer and doing a really great job he progressed onto the run of the whole house with a litter tray and well, when I went to pick him up he was toasting his belly pork, fast asleep in front of a roaring fire with there Stafy. He sat on my lap all the way home (only throwing up once) whilst the more normally reared sibblings, in the boot in the dog cage were all snuggled up.

To cut a long story short he cant decide if he's Gay, a dog or what, but, hes sure hes not a pig. We cant put him with any of ours as they want to kill him on site. He has no pig etiquete so cant mix. After explaining the situation this man was happy to give him a home with out other pigs till he's ready for the freezer.

The moral of this story... I will never never try to hand rear a pig ever again. Unless there mini tea cup pigs that will end up being a sudo dog human companion- its just not fair they need to learn how to be a pig from a pig .

I did previous to this, try and help out a piglet before "Apple Sauce" Sasha the Rottweiler fostered him when she had pups and did a brilliant job for a few weeks feeding him as a puppy. (look on the net to see all the lovely pics and details) but sadly he passed away in the night after struggling to regulate his body temp.

Any how thats a lot of rambling, so tomorrow the sty will be finished, i hope and we will have the adventure of moving Mini pig and her litter the length of the farm to there new home.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Well this is DAY 1 of the pig in mud blog.

We are a mad family that consists of Joe (hubby) Hungarian born but now uk citizen. Heidi (me-- mom) Andre my very resposible 9 yr old boy Louis the joker 8yrs old and Lily 4yrs old very soon. An extremely pink little girl going on

My children are all allergic to bad e additives in food. So we decided to try and be more and more self sufficient. So far weve been successful with Pork, Bacon, Sausage, Hams, Dexter beef, herbs, etc this years plan is beekeeping, aquiring a house cow and producing some dairy products and we have to get a veg patch sorted, now that the pigs have done there work on the soil. 

We home educate our children and we are award winning caterers using as much of our beautifull produce as we can. On the side im writing about our exploits on our little farm and hope to publish a book. 

We call our pig products "Pig in Mud!" and food made with love is our slogan.

I have decided to consetrate on Heritage vegitables and fruit selling heritage fruit and veg boxs from our farmgate and on the net, that will comprise of fresh in season flavoursome products. Using old varieties from Victorian times.

So what did we do down on the farm today...

We made a new pig house for Mini pig she is a Kune Kune, she had Kune Kune x Pietrain (Belgium Blue) piglets. Mini pig suprised us all by giving birth to a litter of 5 stunning little ones. Andre stayed up all night with her and helped her when she was having difficulties. He wants to be a vet when he grows up. They are all doing well and its time for them to have a large electric fenced off area. We use special pig netting thats backed up with a solid fence behind it so they quickly learn respect for it.

Tommorow we will put the finishing touches to it and then move them all in. Well i think thats enough for my first go at blogging, im not too good with computors and this is really stretching me, will have to press the publish tab and see if ive been as clever as i think.... so here goes......