Mmm lots to catch up with... 2 nights ago I decided to go to my moms house for the night with Lily. Thought it was about time I slept in a full size bed (ours is a Caravan SMALL double.) so small that if Joe lies on his back half of me is out of bed hanging over the side... I also took some washing to do as all our rain water was frozen solid. We aso fancied a longer shower than our watering can 2 min blast. So I drove Adrians car to town stayed over in a proper house and experience a few of lifes little luxuries.. Hot water, even water that comes out of tap is very novel, flushing toilet, fully plumbed in washine machine. and central heating...mmmm thoughts after.
Well my caravan is warmer, I was froze to death, sleeping on a proper bed was nice but needed duvet, sleeping bag and a dressing gown on to feel warm, well I still wasnt warm the house was freezing.
You know doing washing my way doesnt actually feel like a chore you feel proud and well that you've accomplished something. Its actually quicker too as moms washing machine takes 2 and a half hours for each load and I did 4 loads.. The shower was lovely and the pampering with moms creams and potions was good too. Will have to treat mom to some
Next morning we got up and went round the charity shops, did a bit of banking, then waited for Jim to pick us up for this was the day to bring home pigs...
Oh forgot to mention that Sugar daddy Jim rang me and said to treat myself to a hair do and he would pay...What a nice treat I no longer look like I 'dbeen pulled through a hedge backwards... I'm a proud owner of a bob hair style.
We firstly went to Pant by Oswestry to pick up our freegle pigs... What a gorgeous Glos old spot she is the most lovely attitude and very laid back. She had no name so whien I looked at her she spoke to me and said I'm Mabel so Mabel she is...then we drove all the way up past Chester to pick up a Large White pair, boar and sow, we were given them too. As we arrived to pick them up they both jumped up with arm pits on the door to say." And about time too .. where have you been mom said you were coming hours ago" Told you I'm a pig honest they do
We duly drove them home, and settled them in temporarily. Well Jim got out at Guilsfield at his farm and told me to take his Nissan 4x4 home with his stock trailer, he didnt need it till monday.
What a beast its nearly new and full of power well there was about 3/4 of a ton of pig and 1 ton of trailer and it was still too powerful for me.
Piggin Paradise..
Joe is still quite poorly he has a serious skin infection is his one arm and its swelled to twice its size with a red mark growing or even glowing.. its gone from his wrist up to the top of his arm. Firstly I had to pop him to the docs, over night we had a good 6 inch of snow.. good job we had Jims 4x4. Docs says his arm is really nasty and we have to watch him as he could need to end up in hospital with it. Hes got antibiotics, will see how long it takes for them to work there magic.
So on gettiing home he took his pills and retired to bed. So that just left me with our two porkers to prize from Babe our adult Pietrain sow, then persuade them to follow us and get into there own electric fenced of area. After that I had to load the one and only Gay boy, pig out of his nest and into his trailer so I could muck out the barn and get it ready for the three new arrivals, electric fence off a large run for them too. Nothing to
Well this is how it went. Porkers seperation, fine piece of cake. Babe never noticed. Move to there new area not on your nelly!! 30mins later much chasing about and hurdle building eventually they got there. Right I decided more prep need to move Gay boy. So reversed up the trailer to his entance and went over the top hurdles blockade everything nothing could go wrong... Ha in my dreams.. it was all going to plan he was just tootleing up the ramp when Sheba decided to say hello...arrgggh. he panicked, shot through my ever so well made blockade, 2 hours of chasing and cursing, near collapse state that's me not him..
Joe heard the comotion, got up from his sick bed and basically, another hour of wrestling eventually got him in, Joe collapsed in a heap gasping for breath, I thought he was having a heart attack. Any how he recovered. We then mucked out with the digger excellent system believe me. Made a luxury deep straw bed, double checked the electric fence and drove in the three newcomers, put there food down in along line and settled back.
To my horror the boar now called Henry picked her up with his tusks ripping her throat and her sholders held her up in the air and then tossed her I coulndt believe it. She ran off to sulk and nurse her wounds and I vowed not to go in with him on my own for a while.. Joe popped back to look in on them later to find him happily serving her and she was watching her P's and Q's obviously getting on somewhat better.
.........Must mark the date three monthe three weeks and three days.
Any how am shatteed now, got mud all over my new hair cut, wet through all over and every bit of me aches, so have gone to bed extra early, it may be a small sized double but its lovely and warm, with no traffic passing every few mins. I feel safe and secure so maybe Im just not cut out to be normal and am destined to be a caravan dweller for ever..night night..
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