Documenting Life on our small holding. Follow the adventures with our animals from birth through to meat production curing of hams, creating bacon, etc, experimenting with producing as much as we can from our little farm. Experience real quality of life. All the ups and downs including Planning permission wars....

Just an everyday walk with the kids!!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Swiss Chalet style Maternity suite!! (Pig Sty!)

Today i had hoped to be able to put a lovely picture of our finished Mini Pig house ... or should i say Swiss Chalet style Maternity suite on here. Well we got a bit carried away, it is built completely from recycled materials even the nails, we've got it bad ... but they do say Reduce (well that could be the pigs size!) Re-use (enough said.) Recycle (well thats easy the materials.) You can judge for yourselves. Will post the photo soon. 

We've decided its such a good design with the over hang at the front we shall try producing some for sale. It looks cute and i havent seen any out there this shape, selling point being made for your pigs from people with pigs... mm something to mull over.

Right what else. Andre tried to shatter Lily for me, he took her on a good 4 mile walk, came back saying that she STILL wasnt tired, he wasn't either but they had a great adventure they went off in the forest with Sasha our Rotty for protection.  
Sheba our German shepherd dog stayed home to gaurd us, she only 1year old and busyied herself with getting completely tangled in my Maturnity suite electric fencing, she also rather fancied the look of the Challet and wanted to move in.

Oh i did a deal today. Chris my adopted mom, (she's a friend really but mothers me,and i love her to bits!) text me to say a pair of Glouster old spots were being given away on freegle. So i emailed him, he duly rang me, saying that i was the only one that sounded like I knew pigs. He had one lady mail him enquiring if these full size breeding pair would be happy to live with there horse in his stable, well the mind boggles threee in a stable mmm... well we'll leave that thought there. 
So i rang him back today and asked if he would like one of my porkers for his freezer, maybe needs 1 to 3 months more fattening dependant on the finished size required, you may ask.. why?

Well i bought this one in with his sibblings to fatten for the freezer, he was the runt that the mom rejected so his human parents, a lovely gay couple had took him into there bed... yes he slept with them!! Feeding him with lambs milk replacer and doing a really great job he progressed onto the run of the whole house with a litter tray and well, when I went to pick him up he was toasting his belly pork, fast asleep in front of a roaring fire with there Stafy. He sat on my lap all the way home (only throwing up once) whilst the more normally reared sibblings, in the boot in the dog cage were all snuggled up.

To cut a long story short he cant decide if he's Gay, a dog or what, but, hes sure hes not a pig. We cant put him with any of ours as they want to kill him on site. He has no pig etiquete so cant mix. After explaining the situation this man was happy to give him a home with out other pigs till he's ready for the freezer.

The moral of this story... I will never never try to hand rear a pig ever again. Unless there mini tea cup pigs that will end up being a sudo dog human companion- its just not fair they need to learn how to be a pig from a pig .

I did previous to this, try and help out a piglet before "Apple Sauce" Sasha the Rottweiler fostered him when she had pups and did a brilliant job for a few weeks feeding him as a puppy. (look on the net to see all the lovely pics and details) but sadly he passed away in the night after struggling to regulate his body temp.

Any how thats a lot of rambling, so tomorrow the sty will be finished, i hope and we will have the adventure of moving Mini pig and her litter the length of the farm to there new home.

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