Chicken love..
We love there greetings in the morning we are ambushed by all of the chucks wanting there breakfast, Louis has a pet Rhode Isle cockeral who follows him everywhere and sits on his head...but if we manage to keep them on the grass they should benifit from that and we should have a good chance of getting to the eggs before the dogs, also they will add nitrogen to the grass and make it grow even faster!!! Grown...
Andre has struck a deal with a local Buff Orpington breeder, we found out that at a few weeks old she necks all the cockerals we felt it was a terrible waste and what if she was making mistake I have no idea how she can be sure at that age!! So every few weeks she calls Andre and we pick up another batch of upto 20 young chicks, he has a very good rate most of them live, we have found that the blacks and the lavenders are slower and not so strong, if any die it is of these colours... we give her some of our produce every now and then. as a thankyou....
The cats are in hiding they hate this weather... We have a lovely Snow Marble male kitten he must be 13 weeks old by now hes been advertised on Preloved website for £150 and no ones jumped yet, most suprising, surely the recesion hasnt got to cat owners...

We have a had huge delivery of animal feed from Banwy feeds, just down the road I like to keep plenty in....Andre is outside feeding all the animals this morning, hes a very good boy...Ho hum the rain continues, shall I go and get a watering can full for a shower or shall I go down the health club for a swim, and shower first of course!!
We are off to Hungary again for a week in october..In Hungary this is our local Tesco hyper market!!! Its all a bit different life out there. At a slower pace with unusual sites all over the place...It like stepping back in time, untill you bump into Tesco...lol.... This is in Kalocsa which is 10 mins away from the village we stay in heres a view out of our window... the neighbours... Self sufficiency is the norm there...
This is the neighbour, they sell un pasturised milk for all the local kids, you see all the moms peddling up on there bikes to collect some milk for there babies and kids, most worrying... here the neighbour is cooking over an open fire they had just killed a pig and she is boiling up lumps of fat, she will keep the lard for cooking and sprinke the cooked lumps with seasoning and eat them like pork scratching, really tasty but not too ood for cholesteral...The local council workers bring her all the lawn and grass cutting all day long in there little pick ups and tip it out for her to feed th cattle, they are all teathered, i got up one morning to see if i could still milk a cow... and I could, they milk all there cattle by hand and leave a milk churn at the end of the road for the tanker to pick up, i have also seen another neighbour boiling up her washing in a similar fashion.... even more hard work than my style!!!
The Health club..
Thats my one little luxury, as we home educate the children and we thought they may miss out on sports acticitys, so we joined Rowton Castle Country club, its got 3 swimming pools, sauna, steam rooms, jacuzzi, tennis courts, table tennis, childrens activity groups and clubs including achery, the children all swim beautifully now, and we enjoy the gym too, even the kids have a gym club with full supervision, I know its a big luxury at £100 per month for our family of 5 but its lovely having a hot shower and a relax after the hard work here, its good for the kids they are developing friendships, the staff are lovely and friendly, its a bit on the well worn and tired side and there are posher places but its good value and just perfect for us, I've been struggling with my back a lot lately and have also taken up, yoga, pilates, and even belly dancing. With in 6 weeks I felt a huge difference, stronger toned up and buzzing with energy, well worht it!!!
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This is me!!!! the mad woman who runs the funny farm.. |
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